Thuraya MarineComms provides merchant shipping, fishing, government, navy, coast guard and leisure users with competitively priced, robust and reliable connectivity, spanning voice, narrowband and broadband data. Our powerful L-Band satellite network can assign capacity where and when it is needed, providing a service that covers some of the world’s busiest ports and shipping lanes.
Under Thuraya MarineComms, we offer 3 services:
OceanPro: Delivers increased bandwidth capabilities by integrating Ku- and L-bands
SeaPro: Maritime broadband services delivering speeds of up to 444 kbps
SeaLite: Narrowband services covering SMS, GmPRS and IP under 64 kbps
Streamlined data exchange for speedy connectivity
When saving lives, ‘no’ is never an option
We take communication security seriously
M2M technology for 24/7 remote monitoring ease
Comprehensive onboard, ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore communications
Mobility helps you work smarter
Secure and private communication, wherever you go
Robust radio communication systems in a jiffy
Instant data collection from remote assets
Join your team anywhere under the sun
Real-time mobile video collaboration made faster
Remote operation success via real-time streams
Monitoring missions made easy and secure
Inexpensive voice and video calls over internet